Polka Dot Luggage Sets Am I Overthinking This??

Am I overthinking this?? - polka dot luggage sets

I wanted to be an actress, as long as I can remember. My best friend has always wanted to be a plus size model. Suddenly she let go of his dream and wants to be an actress.
I am huge in any color! I told him I was always set polka dot luggage that was green, orange, purple, pink and blue. Suddenly ... that the amount of luggage (if not even that!)
There are some musical artists I like (worship) and is not in this kind of thing. Suddenly it has all the CDs I have!
I am a huge animal lover and could not with the animals. I have to take a sleeping dog in the eye because when I go home. Suddenly she has! (but I'm glad that they do not hate animals).
There are about five TV shows that I just can not lose. It has never been in this kind of thing though. Now they can not lose either of these programs on the ground, as it has always pleased me!

Thought, as I can. Perhaps it is not to me. Is that all?


monarch butterfly said...

NO! You are not sure, "thinking" it! It is a very real problem.

All those interviewed in front of me seems to think that you imitate a form of flattery, and there is nothing to fear, but I think it is something much more serious. What you describe is almost synonymous with an abstract form of psychological and emotional harassment!
Is there a way to know whether this really changes the personality, or if they pretend to know and to do so?

"And what makes matters worse is that he is in competition with me." "She is telling me that I was not able to do things, because he's doing." "She said that people one day when she dresses better than me." Itlike bad things I heard of me to tell. "
These statements are a clear indication that no matter what happens, this is not a good thing! This is not a positive behavior from her, and there is nothing flattering about it!

May his life and you want to try to hope that it will reproduce improve your mind, but the fact that ..... "It is in competition with me. She loves to tell me that I was not able to do things because they do. She said that people one day when she dresses better than me. I like it that bad things being said about me. ..... tell me that (subconsciously, at least) that wants not only his personal identity and sharesor it will seize and take away from you all - which, of course, is totally impossible, but your subconscious constraints do not know that such things simply can not do.

If you still lives at home with their parents, maybe I'm having a conversation with their parents and show them all that this issue has written. I can recommend in good conscience, because I found that psychotherapy does not believe it, but it's a bad kind Some people need help! If both live alone, so try to spend less time with her, not to betray his own emotions and social / artistic preferences, so that less information, it has continued to try to copy his life.

That is my suggestion would be if youDo not start again this strange double life, then gradually reduced and eventually break contact with her - for its own sake and yours.

Have you seen a movie "Single White Female 'with Bridget Fonda? It is a Z-grade slasher / thriller about a woman taking a roommate who starts to take over your identity. She dyed her hair the same color and style that makes the same manner, copies of your clothes, habits, etc. Of course, this kind of film tabloid respond to the writers make him a homicidal maniac who tries to kill his model .
But what one person with the same axis through - and it is not dangerous murderer or inclined - to be famous?
What II think the flattery is too easy to imitate. Although not really imagine that you are in no way endangered or threatened by it, and not emotionally healthy, either, and certainly not "Overthinking"! This girl needs help and I really do not know where you helps ..

Stars said...

Beserkly is crazy jealous of you and has an inferiority complex and is very big and I mean very immature. It is likely that among you in this way, and that desperately needs to find other friends and let him go ... You will not see you unload the irrationality of their behavior to their

allen555 said...

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It grows out of it when the novelty disappears behalf of your life.

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