How Long Does It Take To Cook Italian Sausage How Long Can Italian Sausage Stay In The Fridge?

How long can Italian Sausage stay in the fridge? - how long does it take to cook italian sausage

I have some Italian sausage, which was not open, and refrigerate about 2 weeks. She begins to brown and the inside still pink and has no smell. Dated 16 December Says ... I do not know whether to sell a sort by date or by boiling, but still, it's a bit of time before that date. But can you eat?


nap4gbp said...

on the packaging of the date of the sale and use is the day, which means it is good to use up to 16 and does not use it to freeze to extend shelf life. These dates are listed on the packaging of the company according to the codes of life Gov't. they say it should be for both the venue and the people of this or freeze well ..

Lily said...

This should be good packaging to 16 if the date on the. When not in use then yes, put it in bags in the freezer until you decide to use it.

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