Reasons For Missed Menstrual Cycle Any Other Reasons For A Missed Period Besides Pregnancy?

Any other reasons for a missed period besides pregnancy? - reasons for missed menstrual cycle

I am a week and a half too late. Yesterday I take a pregnancy test, but it was negative. I felt as if I'll start there for 2 weeks. I have sore breasts, cramps, as I am sure I am about to start, but everything is nothing! I just had a discussion a few months and I am in good health .. I'm in a monogamous relationship, and both have been tested for sexually transmitted diseases, so I know it can not be that ... I do not understand. I have never breast tenderness, unless a couple of days I start my periods and now painful to have been for two weeks. I thought maybe I was pregnant, and I heard that the symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of menstruation, but the pregnancy test yesterday ruled that out. Any other suggestions? I'm so confused!


stellar <3 said...

Stress, diet, disease.

Many things can cause that to come later!

rhino said...

What happens is that my wife went through the same thing, and finally we have this morning (fortunately!) After two weeks of delay. We believe that this was due to stress (she and I had a lot) lately, and it is close to the age of his mother as she walked through the change.

Do not panic, immediately! Give him until Christmas, and if not before, then you take take a pregnancy test.

Siripala said...

U If a review had stress.Normal recently.This is probably due to hormonal changes in the body can be changed in a stressful situations.C gynecologists.

Addie said...

Make sure you eat right. not provide an appropriate diet is one of the reasons for the absence of menstruation.

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